Home » MKMMA Week Seventeen » Week Seventeen- Getting Back on Track

Week Seventeen- Getting Back on Track


I’m playing catch up with my blog and after this past Sunday’s webcast, I wholeheartedly must admit that I need to restart and re-focus!  Basically, I need to get back on track!

Just to briefly, recap where things are currently at with regards to the MKMMA course.  I have not posted here for a couple weeks, nor have I had commented or shared my fellow MKMMA course mates in my range.   I have been starting the day ok with my initial DMP reading, blueprint builder, and reading my cards.   Which, entails, the Plan of Action card,service card, law of giving and movie trailer version of my DMP.  Also, i consistently get in two of my three readings of scroll in the Greatest Salesman in the World book.

Unfortunately, the evening is where i’ve been dropping the ball and not following through consistently in the last month.  That includes the final scroll reading, 2nd DMP reading and most importantly the “SIT”.   Obviously, I am not concluding my day in a “Winning Fashion”.

The course is winding down and rapidly heading toward the final weeks.  I still have time to get back on track and reap the rewards from the progressions and manifest the dharma that exists within my Definite Major Purpose.  We all have various distractions, obstacles and obligations, so there is no excuses!  Just focusing my energies on the destination and keeping my eyes on the compass!

I am “back on track” and I am “DOING IT NOW”!


  1. This is great. Keep pushing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. masterkeyerwinv says:

    you can do it James ! keep thinking about your wonderful paradise in the Philippines…


  3. jeginsjr says:

    Yes Erwin, thanks for the comment, I have to never let my eyes off that prize of paradise in the Philippines!


  4. You are a wonderful inspiration James! Love hearing about your day, whether a message or a chat! Your future self is waiting for you at the next stop on that track James! Can’t wait to give him a big High Five!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. jeginsjr says:

    Thanks Jennifer, I feel the same way about your messages or post on facebook. It’s exciting seeing your DMP unfold and manifest itself right before our eyes.


  6. Ellen L says:

    Well done recognizing where you were and what you needed to do! And warm congratulations for WANTING to get back on track!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. jeginsjr says:

    Thank you very much Ellen.


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